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How Can I Teach My Kids Essential Budgeting Skills? (15 Easy Activities) | PrimeWay Federal Credit Union

Written by Laurie Masera Garza | Apr 12, 2024 9:01:40 PM

Financial literacy for kids is about equipping them with the skills to manage money wisely, and it’s never too early to start. The idea of budgeting is fundamental to this journey. It’s about making informed choices with the resources they have.  
This lesson can begin at home, where everyday activities offer opportunities to introduce concepts such as earning, saving, spending, and giving. With these 15 easy activities, you can make learning about money management fun and engaging for kids of all ages. 

1. Start Early:

Introducing financial concepts to children at a young age can help lay the foundation for a lifetime of responsible money management. Even preschoolers can grasp basic ideas like counting coins and understanding that you use money to buy things. As your children grow, gradually introduce more complex concepts such as saving, budgeting and making wise spending choices.

2. Make It Fun: 

Children learn best when having fun, so turn budgeting lessons into games and activities they’ll enjoy. For younger kids, play store with play money and goods, letting them “buy” items and make change. Older children might enjoy board games like Monopoly or The Game of Life that simulate real-world financial scenarios.  

Incorporate technology by using budgeting apps and online games that interactively teach money management skills. The more engaging the activities, the more likely your kids will absorb and retain the lessons. 

3. Use Visual Aids: 

Visuals can help make abstract financial concepts more concrete for children. Use charts, graphs and colorful trackers to help kids see their progress toward saving goals. Create a savings jar with a goal line on the side, or use an app displaying a virtual piggy bank filling up as they save.  

Show older kids how to create a simple budget spreadsheet or use a budgeting app to track their spending and savings. Seeing the numbers and progress visually can make budgeting feel more tangible and rewarding. 

4. Role-Play Real-Life Scenarios:

Help your kids understand the real-world applications of budgeting by role-playing everyday financial situations. Set up a pretend grocery store and give them a budget to shop with, or have them plan a mock birthday party with a set amount of money to spend.  
As they make spending decisions, discuss the trade-offs and opportunity costs involved. These scenarios help children understand that money is a finite resource and that budgeting involves making choices and prioritizing needs and wants. 

5. Involve Them in Family Budgeting: 

Include your kids in age-appropriate family budgeting discussions to show them how budgeting works in the real world. Let them sit in on a bill-paying session or involve them in planning the budget for a family vacation.  

Explain how you prioritize expenses, save for goals and make trade-offs when necessary. Seeing budgeting in action can help kids understand its importance and relevance to their own lives. 

6. Encourage Learning from Mistakes: 

Everyone makes money mistakes sometimes, and kids need to know that it’s okay to stumble. If your child overspends their allowance or makes an impulse purchase they regret, use it as a teachable moment.  

Help them reflect on what they could have done differently and brainstorm strategies for making better choices next time. Emphasize that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow and that even adults are continually learning and improving when it comes to managing money. 

7. Teach the “Earn, Save, Spend, Give” Model: 

A simple way to help kids understand budgeting is to teach them to categorize their money into four buckets: Earn, Save, Spend and Give. When they receive money, whether from an allowance, gift or job, have them divide it among these categories.  

Encourage them to save a portion for future goals, spend some on things they need or want and set aside a little to give to charity or others in need. This model helps kids understand the different purposes of money and encourages them to think beyond just spending. 

8. Emphasize Delayed Gratification: 

Teaching kids to delay gratification is a valuable budgeting skill in a world of instant gratification. Encourage them to save for things they want rather than buying them immediately.  

Show them how waiting for a sale or shopping around for a better price can help their money go further. Help them set savings goals and celebrate when they reach them. By learning delayed gratification, kids can develop the patience and discipline needed for effective budgeting. 

9. Celebrate Achievements: 

Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s budgeting successes, no matter how small. When they reach a savings goal or resist the temptation to buy something frivolous, praise their hard work and dedication.  

Then, help them set a new, slightly more challenging goal and encourage them to keep up the excellent work. Celebrating achievements reinforces the positive habits and attitudes that will serve them well in their financial futures. 

10. Lead by Example: 

Children learn by watching their parents, so model good budgeting habits yourself. Let your kids see you making thoughtful spending decisions, delaying gratification and saving for goals.  

Share your own budgeting successes and challenges, and talk about what you’ve learned from your experiences. You set a powerful example for your children to follow by demonstrating wise money management in your own life. 

11. Encourage Questions and Curiosity: 

Create an open, judgment-free environment where your kids feel comfortable asking questions about money and finances. Encourage their curiosity and take the time to answer their questions thoughtfully and age-appropriately.  

If you don’t know the answer, look it up together. By fostering open communication about money, you help your children build a solid financial knowledge and confidence foundation. 

12. Use Tools and Resources: 

Take advantage of the many tools and resources available to help teach kids about budgeting. Look for age-appropriate books, games, websites and apps that make learning about money fun and engaging.  

Many budgeting apps for kids use gamification to teach financial concepts in a playful, interactive way. Incorporating these resources into your teaching can reinforce lessons and keep the learning process fresh and exciting. 

13. Have Regular Budget Reviews: 

Make budgeting an ongoing conversation by having regular check-ins with your kids about their spending and saving. Sit down together to review their budget, track their progress towards goals and make any necessary adjustments.  

Use these meetings as opportunities to discuss any challenges they’re facing and brainstorm solutions together. Keeping the lines of communication open can help your children develop a growth mindset around money management. 

14. Teach Wants vs. Needs: 

One of the key aspects of budgeting is distinguishing between wants and needs. Teach your kids to ask themselves whether a potential purchase is something they truly need or just something they want. Use real-life examples to illustrate the difference, such as comparing the need for nutritious food to the want for candy or treats.  

Help them understand that while it’s okay to want things, needs should take priority in a budget. By teaching this crucial distinction, you help your kids develop the decision-making skills they need to create and stick to a budget. 

15. Encourage Empathy and Generosity: 

Budgeting isn’t just about personal financial management; it’s also about understanding the broader impact of our financial decisions. Encourage your kids to think about how their spending and saving choices affect others, both locally and globally.  

Talk about the importance of giving back and allocating part of their budget to charity or gifts for others. By fostering a sense of empathy and generosity, you help your children develop a more holistic view of money and its role in building a better world. 

Budgeting 101 for Kids: Your Go-To Checklist by Age 

Age Group Budgeting Skill Teaching Method
3-5 years Basic counting and coin recognition
  • Use play money and games to introduce coins and their values
  • Help them count coins and make simple transactions
6-8 years Introducing the concept of saving and spending
  • Provide a clear jar for saving and a piggy bank for spending
  • Encourage them to split their allowance or gift money between the two
9-11 years Setting financial goals and prioritizing
  • Help them identify a short-term goal (e.g., a toy) and calculate how long it will take to save for it
  • Discuss wants vs. needs and how to prioritize spending
12-14 years Creating a simple budget
  • Introduce the concept of income, expenses, and savings
  • Help them create a basic budget for their allowance or part-time job earnings
15-18 years Managing a bank account and using credit responsibly
  • Assist them in opening a checking and savings account
  • Explain the basics of credit, interest rates, and the importance of paying bills on time
All ages Leading by example
  • Discuss your own budgeting decisions openly
  • Involve them in age-appropriate financial discussions and decisions