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Grocery Budgeting: How to Save Money on Gas During Uncertain Fuel Prices


Right now, fuel prices are a global concern. The price of a gallon of gas has bounced off the ceiling and is close to normal levels, but winter is coming, and Europe may need every drop of heat they can get. That means a potentially tight fuel market and unpredictable prices at the pump. If you need to commute, drive for work, or need travel, it's important to plan against high fuel prices. It's only practical to start looking for ways to save, such as grocery budgeting. With just a few changes to their habits, anyone can improve their miles per gallon to reduce the gas cost for every day that they drive.

If there's one thing we know for certain, it's that you're not alone. Millions of people all over the world are struggling with fuel prices and grocery budgeting right now and swapping tips on how to stay affordably mobile. Let's explore the best tactics to keep your gas costs low this month and this year.

Keep Your Engine Tuned and Your Battery Clean

Never make your engine work harder than it needs to. Good maintenance ensures that the engine uses your fuel supply as efficiently as possible. Keep your engine well-maintained and take it to the shop for a tune-up every six months to a year. Pay especially close attention to the battery terminals. If these get dirty or start to corrode, then the alternator has to work harder, and more gasoline is burned.

So take your car in for maintenance on the predicted schedule. Be sure to ask about fuel efficiency and clean battery terminals at the beginning and ask about a full tune-up and cleaning for the sake of fuel efficiency and grocery budgeting.


Drain the Gas Nozzle at the Pump

When pumping your gas, be sure to give the nozzle a little shake while still inside your gas tank. Tip the handle up and let the remaining gasoline pour into your car. It's a few drops you have already paid for, and it makes the gas station a little safer when you rehang the nozzle. This little shake not only saves the gasoline that belongs in the tank, it also reduces the fire risk of spilled gas around the tanks - and the risk of gasoline stains on your clothes.

Keep Your Tires Inflated

Tire inflation has a profound effect on your gas mileage. While slightly deflated, tires stick to the road better. More surface area of the tour slouches to the road level and clings to the asphalt. Slightly overinflated tires become bouncy and glide the pavement without resistance. You will want to check your tires carefully each week and keep them on the full side of the recommended tire inflation range for your make, model, and choice of tire.

Tires at the correct inflation, leaning toward well-inflated, are more fuel-efficient. However, there may be times when letting a tiny amount of air out of your tires may achieve greater driving safety on risky roads. Stay aware of your tire inflation and how it affects your traction.

Get Rid of Dead Weight in the Car

Don't let extra weight slow down your car and its mileage. If you don't need that bike rack or Kayak rig, take it off your car. Luggage racks and hood mounts of any kind create drag and add weight, which ultimately burns fuel.

Empty your car of any trash and remove the extraneous gear that may have been tossed in the back seat. Most people have a few lost items. Clear out your trunk of anything but what you want to be driving around (ex: first aid kit, briefcase, etc.) to minimize the weight of your car when using fuel to pull it forward.

Avoid Idling When Parked

Idling, letting your car run while not moving, is one of the biggest drains on your fuel supply. Sitting at traffic lights and drive-through windows is a pain and can also use up your gas for the day. While you should never turn your car off at a light, you can switch your car off and then back on in a slow drive-through or while stopped in a parking lot getting directions from your navigator.

Try to avoid idling your engine when parked searching for directions, texting safely or waiting for someone. Switch your engine off and use the entertainment mod - often turning your key one click in the ignition reverse direction.

Accelerate Gently and Coast to a Stop - When Possible

Driving gently can also help you reduce the gas you use for every daily trip. Start by accelerating gently - coming up to speed with light pushes off the accelerator whenever gentle acceleration is possible. Also, try to use the brake pedal as little as possible. When you see a stop or slow-down coming, simply take your foot off the accelerator and coast to a stop - whenever possible.

Little nudges to the brakes can help your car reduce in speed without losing much of the kinetic energy you've already built up.

Use Cruise Control on the Highway

Another easy way to drive gently is to use cruise control combined with the eco settings of (most) modern cars. Cruise control tries to optimize your fuel use for the set speed. The computer varies in speed very little, allowing you to hold your place in traffic or enjoy a long stretch of road with ease and fuel efficiency.

On the open road where your speed is unlikely to change for some time, cruise control is one of the best ways to reduce variance in your fuel use, achieve your goals with grocery budgeting, and avoid unnecessary acceleration through each trip.

Grocery Budgeting: How to Save Money on Gas During Uncertain Fuel Prices

If you need to commute, drive for work, or need travel, it's important to plan against high fuel prices. It's only practical to start looking for ways to save, such as grocery budgeting.

Opt for Breeze Instead of AC

The air conditioning or heater can use up a surprising amount of gasoline. This is true in both gas and hybrid vehicles. If you need a cool breeze, try opening your window a few inches. While this creates a little drag on the car, the drag is far less than what you can save on gas just by not running your AC every minute you're in the car.

If you get the thumping sound in your ears, open an opposite window in the back seat or crack each window so that air moves more smoothly through your car. This can be refreshing and make for an enjoyable commute.

Learning to maintain your car and drive in ways that reduce your fuel is a good idea, no matter what is influencing the fuel prices. Planning for volatile gas costs today or in the future when prices stabilize, using less gas per trip is always a smart move, like grocery budgeting. PrimeWay can help you with many little ways to spend less, save more, and improve your financial standing. Contact us today to learn more.

Author Bio

Laurie Masera Garza

Laurie is a digital marketing and social media maven who has more than 15 years of interactive multi-media experience under her belt. When she is not rocking the social media atmosphere, Laurie loves to find Houston’s hidden dining gems, but ask her about tacos. She loves tacos. In her spare time, Laurie loves creating, whether its art or memories.

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